
Inglès II.

El dominio del idioma Inglés se logra a través de la practica continua del mismo, ya sea por medio del percepción auditiva, o bien, de la lectura de textos de interés para los estudiantes.
De esta forma es necesario dar seguimiento con la enseñanza del idioma Inglés, es por ello que en Segundo Semestre de Bachillerato se imparte la Materia Inglés II, en la cual el alumno aprende a expresar hechos que ocurrieron en el pasado, hablar a cerca de sus obligaciones y habilidades, establecer comparaciones, y a comunicarse ya sea de forma oral o escrita.

Habits and Routines. (Daily activities)

Students have to make a description about their habits and routines in their daily lives; they need to do 7 descriptions on their notebook. Then they have to solve the exercise about habits and routines of Carlos and Alejandro in the webpage.

In order to solve the exercise about Alejandro’s and Carlos’ week, students should visit the next webpage:

Simple Present and Present Continuous.

Students have to write sentences about what they are doing in the moment, using at least 5 verbs in present continuous, also they have to make a description of one day in their life using simple present. After that, students have to solve the exercise about Rosie's Family, in which they have to use the correct verb in simple present or continuous to solve the exercise.

This is the link to solve the exercise about Rosie’s Family.